Christian Lesage

Christian Lesage

Christian Lesage

Christian Lesage's videos on Gayarabclub
Christian Lesage have played in 1 gay videos on and 1 videos on our other websites
Use me, man!
Use me, man!

It's been weeks now since the young arab stud Med arrived at this factory. He is hardworking, smiling, a little shy. Everyone knows he's gay and he's respected in an environment where there are only straight guys. What he does not know is that f his boss has been tense since he was there. And for good reason. The guy has already seen Med in Citebeur videos and since that time he dreams of being fucked by a man, and more precisely by Med's big arab cock. MED AND CHRISTIAN LESAGE

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Restless hungry hole
Restless hungry hole
Restless hungry hole
Restless hungry hole
Restless hungry hole
Restless hungry hole
Restless hungry hole
Restless hungry hole