Fabien Dolko

Fabien Dolko

Fabien Dolko

Fabien Dolko's videos on Gayarabclub
Fabien Dolko have played in 1 gay videos on GayArabClub.com and 3 videos on our other websites
Oblivious of the Neighbors
Oblivious of the Neighbors

In Menoboy Studios' offices, in Montpellier, Fabien and Tony are getting bored waiting for me. A few minutes later, I start hearing squeaky noises. So, I decide to head for the office next door. What do I find out? Fabien is getting his hard-throbbing dick sucked by Tony. Without wasting any more time, I grab a video camera to immortalize this intimate moment. Intimate? Not really... They are really noisy and don' really care about the neighbors. The chairs and the tables are grating, the guys are screaming. I think I will have to move out... How embarrassing ! ;)

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Happy Holidays, les Boys
Having Sex in Secret in the Apartment of the Production
Blunder During Police Raid
Happy Holidays, les Boys
Having Sex in Secret in the Apartment of the Production
Blunder During Police Raid
Happy Holidays, les Boys
Having Sex in Secret in the Apartment of the Production