Farid l'irakien

Farid l'irakien

Farid l'irakien

Farid l'irakien's videos on Gayarabclub
Farid l'irakien have played in 1 gay videos on GayArabClub.com
Gay arab boys in love
Gay arab boys in love

Farid, a young Iraqi gay man is visiting Paris for a couple of days. On the street toward Museum of Louvre he meets Ansar, the Algerian gay boy. Two guys like each other and decide to go on discreet place. Even if both of them speak Arabic, they do not say a single word. The language of love and kisses is universal. It is a first time for Farid to be a bottom (one of the reason why he wanted to visit Paris in the first place). And Ansar will fulfill his wishes to his Arab boyfriend. When you visit Paris, you leave here your money and your virginity ... but you find Love ! Vive l'amour !